Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The teleportation. Part 1. Chapter 18. Twenty miles from Kremlin.

          Being in the aspect of temperament predominantly phlegmatic, Albert didn't like to change his plans. Valya has to be next. Near in a week after the failed putsch, he picked more appropriate day of his choice and again by the same way, coming out into the bathroom, he teleported in the entrance of her low house.
          Valya lived in a town with a name, which still was kept as a record of the Bolshevik marasmus "Behests of Ilyich" (Ilyich - this is Lenin's patronymic - author's note). This settlement was situated not so far as Lena's home, also not so close as Sveta's one. This was partially a resort village, partially one of the social trashes near Moscow. Such settlements in the Soviet Union, now already in a former one, were worse than cities, because everyone knew each other and had possibility to invade in the private lives and reciprocally to plot and harm. Also, they were worse than villages and little towns in remote provinces, because the reciprocal simplicity, even the warmth in the relations among people here was totally absent. A lot of the civilization costs penetrated were kept here in the absence of civilization itself.  Quite recently every bastard and drunkard had an easy possibility to imprison his neighbor for nothing, even if he is an abstainer. To imprison because of the fact that he is better than him, he is cleverer than him and don't wish to degrade together with these barbarians, but dares pursue such a course, which seems them as unknown, incomprehensible and independent. Any person who is intelligent, even a little, if he didn't want or didn't be able to kiss up to this mob, he had not a real possibility to defend himself. However, to say the truth in full, one could defend himself, but only taking a weapon in his hand.
          It was an insulted and oppressed people, whose water could be shut off in any instant or rusty and unsafe water could be supplied into the plumbing. A people who were especially needed in housing, they could be put on a wait list, but these apartments were stolen and data in the list was arbitrarily falsified by local officials. It was people brought up in the ignorance and hypocrisy, people who imbibed the criminal folklore with their mother's milk and being influenced by such a propaganda, also because of fear to be different from the others, they degenerated. A few of them degraded to the point that committed senseless crimes, without any benefit even for themselves, then they were imprisoned in the prison camps, after releasing from jail, they were drinking. With all this they well coexisted with their "oppressors", that is with the local cops and authorities, to which in the West nobody would pay attention, but here in spite of all their spiritually degeneracy, in spite of all their beastliness and narrow mind, they really could feel themselves little czars. This wasn't at all a confrontation of some two forces, but enough viable coexistence of parts of the unified, but sick organism, which was affected by a cancer tumor of the totalitarian system.
          This untidy settlement situated only twenty miles from Kremlin, in which now the electric trains stop only once in an hour, wasn't something special, but on the contrary, it was a typical phenomenon in all Russia. And there was the only way to resist against it, being physically in the area of the town, to be outside of it in spirit, not to participate in its affairs neither "above" nor "below", but to be outside it. Now it wasn't a dangerous thing anymore. Now they couldn't imprison because of this, vilely having fabricated a criminal case of hooliganism, which would be based only on a testimony of the conspiring perjurers. Now such villains may be dumped. Just for this reason Yeltsin was hated, because setting the democracy in the country, he took away a possibility from the scoundrels to imprison people because of nothing. The poverty in Russia is the persistent phenomena, which has grown historically and is typical for it. During a lot of years the people are used to stand in line in the cold, being hungry. Also, they have been used to the low wage labour and a goal of this labor was the slavery, but not a production of the useful goods. So not any compassion for the impoverished people, but the liberty - here is, with which were angry the haters who vilified the democracy. The soviet pigs wanted to go back into the slavery, but there was no slavery already. Those influential scoundrels, but representing nothing and even during Soviet rule didn't hold any prestigious appointment, but they enjoyed recognized credibility and were respected in the town only because hey were able to blend with a herd of pigs and ably grunt, also, because they could use the devil's mechanism of a criminal state and using it to throw a person they haven't liked, into the meat grinder of the red-fascist system of the GULAG, but now these scoundrels became miserable, ridiculous and insignificant. Now they only could, using basest instincts of the crowd, repeat like the parrots the anti-Semitic and patriotic ravings, but this was not more than a political onanism.
          In the epoch of the Khrushchev's "Thaw", Valya's parents left a Ukrainian outback and arrived here in the late fifties to evade the collective farm slavery. Valya was born and remembered herself only in the Moscow region. As before, her parents, having afraid of "separating from the collective", drank often with the inhabitants of the town and even succeeded to gain the respect among them. But it didn't help them. Already at Brezhnew's time, one day, her father being drunk after swearing local cops, relocated in the prison camps, sometimes released only for a few months and returned for a few years in these not very far places, which had become for him like a native home. The mother who had lived a half of the life in the country where "wasn't a sex", so she didn't dare to behave more freely. Sometimes, how by an iron grip, ruthless melancholy squeezed her, making her look for a way out. Unfortunately, she had found in wine the most fast and simple way out. However, when she felt, how it costs her, she started to make moonshine, even without a homemade distillery, but primitive and unskillfully and a little, but often to hit the bottle. No. She wasn't seen drunk in the street. Just without interruption, she sucked her made slapdash beverage, waking up even in the night to take a dose. And then this depression, because of which one wanted to die, weakened its iron grip, and n9ow after drinking one glass, when nobody saw it, she could wag her finger at the invisible enemies, that's at the bad thoughts exaggeratedly depicting in her imagination the despair and problematic of her existence and to laugh at them. Instead the liberty, she had chosen a surrogate of the liberty, and this incorrect choice soon led her to the premature death because of the cirrhosis of the liver.
          That time Valya was eighteen. Already she had tried out a "love" with local guys, but soon her joy transformed into the disappointment. Those who seemed her so sweet, good and tender, now they are spreading dirty gossip behind her. And she understood that all this ostentatious tenderness was only a vile grovelling of opportunists who craved to receive their "victory". No love is known by them. They could manifest no love to her or to someone else, even if they would desire it. This inextinguishable spark of life, what is present in every alive being, was splattered with mud by them, because of their worship of the wrong idols. Their idols are sharp threads and the respect in their herd. Their future is a piss on the table and a muddy beaker.
          Valya was very lucky, it's possible due to a bitter experience and bad luck in her former lives. She was understanding much. She had understood that her social environment is hostile, but she shouldn't say this aloud about. She kept herself apart more and more from the former friends and friendesses, desiring faster to burn every bridge. She found rich lovers, who generously showered her, and at this time she disappeared in an unknown direction out of the settlement during a few months. Maybe, she will never find a real love in this life, but at least, she will never be a slave of the state, and this already means a lot.
          She was rumored that they are going to imprison her for the "parasitism". She knew who from the former friends snitched to the militia against her. She started to hate the settlement and its habitants. She started to go in for chemistry to make at home technologically feasible, but deadly poisons. Her ill wishers didn't guess that they climbed towards their death. And she could do it so that nobody would find anything. The case would be taken for an incurable disease. However, there nothing occurred. The perestroika started up, and the enemies lost their force. And a weak enemy, already it is not an enemy, but a jester. Valya was ready to live with the guilt, but only because of the extreme necessity. Now such a necessity was no anymore.
          As the years passed, which during she learnt a lot of the skills in bed, enjoying with her life as far as it was possible, living for today, and only in the deep recesses of the soul, keeping dreams and hopes for almost still unknown happiness, a happiness of a higher order.
          About a year and a half ago, accidentally meeting with redhead Lena on an electric train, Valya turned out on the well known us circle with Albert, Nadya and her friends. She could not explain even to herself why she was attracted to them. She was attracted so, she would prefer just to sit together in their circle instead to go to the next series of the sexual adventures and experiments. "Is it only because of the fact that they don't harm each other?" - she asked herself. Also, she didn't want to ruin the formed peace among them and forbade herself even think to seduce Albert.
          But here is himself came in. She didn't expect it. If she could foresee it, then she would think over before, how to resist. To resist not him, but her desire.
          He looked very much strange, in pajamas, the hair wasn't dried, while there is a piercingly autumn cold outside. But this was Albert and as soon as he opened the door, she had understood what he wanted with her. She grumbled a little, resisting in pretence, however, she was quickly broken by a hurricane of the feelings, which embraced her. She gave him herself in that position he wanted. Almost in full losing the control over herself, she was spinning and loudly howling because of pleasure. Only ten minutes after this, when like a short circuit the most voluptuous instant had sparkled, for which all energy of them both was spent on, she acquired again the ability to think clearly.
          -Here is one can see sometimes, lives and learns. I didn't want it, what a meanness I've committed against my friend! You, bed-hopper, have succeeded to entrap me!
          -This is an imaginary meanness. If you both recognize another morality, it would be so that nothing bad took place. On the contrary...
          -That's convenient to think like this only for you, - she interrupted him. During the whole history the adultery was considered a shameful and criminal. Because of this they not only fought, but also killed. This is breaking the holy commandment of Christ.
          -During the whole history the people made war, killing people similar to them to rob wealth, hiding behind the holy name. Then they went so far, started to burn alive persons similar to them only for their convictions, then for their daring to read the Word of God without any interpreters. And what a result of all this took place? They made a deal as if God doesn't exist, as if Christ was never and have begun to kill millions of people and to build a lot the concentration camps for them - the factories of death. In spite of the godlessness in full, the persecutions of free love didn't stop. Because for a successful subordination and oppression of a person, it's necessary to subordinate and oppress the sexual aspect of the person.
          -But what about the Ten Commandments?
          -In the Gospel it's deployed that the Ten Commandments exist to observe the two main Commandments: to love God and one's neighbor. Moses bequeathed not to  be interested in other men's wives, because, among the savages this would lead to conflict situations with the bloodsheds. It would be a sin if after this we don't keep the peace between us. The tree is known by its fruits. If I have a few of the wives and I pay attention to one of them more than another, a sin because of the consequences will be with me. And if one of you hate another in spite of the fact that I pay attention to you both equally, already a sin will be with her. If we love each other by three, even let's by ten, however, we keep the peace between us, no sin will be.
          -But that will be not normal.
          -And what about the soviet power, was it normal? The wars, the fires of inquisition, was it normal? The NKVD and Gestapo - was it normal? It's a matter of custom. You are accustomed to think in the traditional manner. You aren't accustomed to thinking freely. Though, it is a tribute to you, you are more free than aborigines of this settlement. 
          However, I'm going to facilitate your task. I'm not Albert. Because,  now Albert is washing in the bath at his home. If I'm similar to him, you may call me Albert Second. 
          -Enough fooling around! Then, Nadya even wouldn't punch me in the face, although it should be. I'll call her and come clean about everything. Let her berate me, let her consider me like a worst bitch. I'll not explain away, although I don't know, how another woman do if she was in my place. Still, I'm alive, not of iron.
          -If you call her, she will not feel the anger and jealousy, but a compassion towards a good, but an unhappy girlfriend who went mad in the prime of life. Her husband is washing in the bath now, - saying this, Albert stood up, opening the exit door and added: 
          -Good-bye, my love! Call now and ask Albert to the phone, - finally he closed the door, after which the noise of his steps was sounded, retiring downstairs. But this noise was interrupted quickly. There was such a silent on the stairs, as if nobody was there. She arrived downstairs, opened the door of the entrance. Two old women were standing near the door, it seemed already long. They talked something about and at once, now they stared at her.
          -Excuse me, a man dressed in the pajamas, did he come out now?
          -No, - said one of the interlocutors, smiling a little. Already we were standing here about an hour and a half.

Next chapter:

The original Russian text of the chapters from 16 to 18:

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