Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The enigmatic abductor. Chapter 5.

      -It was not me who had invented it, - the strange teacher continued. - The ancient sciences, well-known during a few millenniums, affirm that there is the KNOWLEDGE OF ALL THE THINGS inside everyone of us. This is a certain divinity which is hidden inside us. One must only try and remember, take away all the obstacles, get ready for the meeting with reality face to face and be able to survive it. But the first obstacle on the way is the society. You can do something right now, - he has slowed down the rate of the conversation. - If you aren't insincere with yourself, you can differentiate unmistakably, when you are happy and when you aren't.
      -And what if that happiness is abnormal? I'll be frank. In your captivity it was a few times I felt myself happy in such situations, where a normal person may not feel himself as happy. I'm under your power. You possess it, however you demanded me to be frank  with you. You have enslaved me and I can go mad because of this. Every day I observe such things with me, before they never occurred  to my mind. If tell to someone... In general, I don't know because of what, either because of flogging me every day, or you govern me in some other way, I feel,  soon I'll go mad being with you. Is it really your goal is to make me a loony? That I should become a crazy woman, a hopeless case?
      -I'm ready to bet my own life, that a real madness doesn't threaten to you. Certain things you are starting to discover in your mind, they were there always. You can get rid of this never, also you can never  gain those things that you hadn't before. You lived in a darkness and didn't know yourself practically. It was forbidden for you to use the light of your own knowledge, to use the light of your own experience and the light of your own understanding. And one day the lot of my choice fell upon you, and with my help you've found yourself far enough from the guardians of your ignorance. Looking intently with caution, still you've dared to illuminate your own essence timidly with this light, and now you know more about yourself. If you illuminate it more, you will know more about yourself.

      -And what if I learn such a thing, it would be better to ignore this entirely? What if in the depth of my soul it discovers a desire to kill someone or myself? What can you say about this?
      -I have it what to say, and I expected this question long ago. Such things happen very seldom, but one must not, one must nowise disregard them. You have to master all that I´m going to tell. I should not give you so much food for thought at a time. But I see that your interest ran so high, that you aren't afraid of being flogged, if you will forget something what I've told you. If there is the lively interest in a subject, it implies that the subject will be mastered better. So, listen carefully:
       There are two ways to God. These are two ancient sciences: the Yoga and the Tantra. These are not religions but the sciences. These are theories which work excellently. A Yogi can be a Hindu, also a Christian or a Muslim. The same thing one may say about Tantra. The ultimate aim of everyone is an Enlightening, this spiritual state was named by Hindus as Samadhi and by Jesus Christ as the Birth again. Until you reach it, if some joy happens to you, all the same it will not be enough for you. You will desire something more and look forward to tomorrow. When you reach the Samadhi, you will be happy in any case, even in the absolute solitude, even in hell, to be more precise, nothing and nowhere will be a hell for you.
       Most who had achieved, went through the way of Tantra. In the Christ's doctrine the Tantra prevails, though the Yoga is contained a little too. The Tantra teaches us to accept ourselves and the world as he is, it starts with what a person is. So, the Tantra begins from the start, but the Yoga begins from the end, that is it starts with what a person has to be, when the veil of a last obstacle will fall. Those who are inclined to kill himself or others without in war with them, it's necessary to follow in the way of Yoga for them. If this fact is promulgated, many lives would be saved. The killing maniacs must not go in the way of Tantra, accepting themselves as they are. Following their inclination, they will cause more problems than solve, and at first for themselves. The others have better to follow in the way of the Tantra: it will lead to the aim sooner, in spite of the fact that the Yoga attracts most, because it gratifies their ego, but this is another subject.
       Be able to learn the essence. Until you haven't the inclination to destroy yourself or the others without cause, you are beautiful as such as you are, and the more you follow your gist, the more beautiful you become. And you must not be interested in the people's opinion more than in an opinion of the monkeys in the zoo. Yesterday you admitted with a sincere sadness that the happiness and the society are incompatible. What is the problem, then. Throw out the society as one throws out a pebble from the shoe, which hindered to walk.
      -Are you proposing I alone stand against all the people? Is this like Chatsky? Do you believe I will conquer?
      -Chatsky, according the Griboedov's message, was eighteen years old. Without experience, without understanding until the end that he was dealing with robots were well coded for determinate behaviour, he hoped, just he gives them a simple formula of the verity, they would listen him right away, and the world would turn over to the good side. And all at once would fall into place. But it happened nothing and he was disappointed. Just he didn't know, knowingly, such an intention is doomed to failure. As it is written in the Gospel: "neither cast your pearls before the swine", but he didn't take it into account. To make such people change their mind is the same useless work as to teach a dog speak human language. As he tried to repair a bad damaged machine, which device was unknown to him.
        It is not one that I teach you. I teach you to do your affair silently and don't admit outside persons to invade into the "holy of holies" of your private life. Unfortunately, in this asinine society, sometimes it is accepted, though in figurative sense, to invade into a private home and to poke into other people's private lives or to demand a report about it. The individualism is a sedition in this society. In such a case one must repulse skillfully and competently and I shall teach you to do it.
        You are afraid that you will have to stand alone against all the people. This is not required. However, in a case of the collective persecution you've better to acquire a certain antidote. And remember: the main power of a person is in his intellect. A force hand can break a stone wall in a lucky case. A humpbacked old woman with a walking stick, if she is possessed of the strong intellect and the sharp desire to defeat, she can destroy several tens of strong men, whose fantasy isn't further than "to be a big guy", "to incite a riff-raff" or "to rat to the cops", but there are a thousand ways in fact. Now I'm not going to tell this in detail, than we shall be busy with doing this. Remember the first thing: if anyone plots against you - collect information about him. Catch at any data, because an innocuous information may prove very useful to you unexpectedly. And of course, look for weak points at him. It was an example in your life, your boyfriend that, second, you had caught the data about him and became stronger. But if it was not so, maybe, now all the block would know what are you, doing love, how you do it in all the details.
        Suddenly Inga has remembered that again, as yesterday, she forgot to put on the swimsuit. It was the first impulse to jump up and, covering herself, run to the tent standing nearly, to put her clothes on there, but she had time to consider that it would be foolish and let he admires. She stood up slowly, reporting in a low voice "I'm going to put on my clothes", turned smoothly, sparkling with welts, came to the tent, put on her swimsuit and went out.
      -And now, my beauty, we have tea, and you tell me everything that you've learnt. Today I've given to you the matter of learning more than it would enough.
       They started to prepare the tea, opened the canned food of spiced sprats with tomato and got some bread. That time the thickened milk was a hard-to-get thing and was over, being laid in store before the abducting of Inga.
      -You may start now.
       Inga retold quickly that the main bulk of the people are fools by their own choice, that anyone can be a great person if he finds in himself a gold mine or, talking in another way, if he tunes in a certain wave, that in the USSR one tries to drive an individual into the stupid society by force, even she has remembered that "someone who has begun to think with his own head, he becomes automatically a head taller, than the people  is around him", she compared English speaking countries with Slavic ones. Then he pours the strong tea in mugs, and Inga continues retell the material. She has retold that one has better don't seek advice because inside himself everyone can find "the knowledge of all the things". Discovering himself, a person can find that he didn't know about himself, but had with him always and if some tendencies are discovered dangerous for himself or for the others, one must go in the way of Yoga, and in all the other cases - in the way of Tantra to accept and to love herself such as she is and to accept the world such as it is. So, it is not possible to content herself till she will reach the Samadhi, that is an Enlightening or the Birth again. Finally, to become happy, one must throw out the society and during this don't rise against it, but silently, without a report, to do her own affair. Don't allow anyone to poke their nose into the private life, and if someone attack - to be ready for war, to collect every information about the enemy, focusing her attention on the essence, that is on his weak points, but herself must be strong, in the first place, thanks to her own intellect.
      -You've forgotten one thing: You aren't free...
      -If you aren't free sexually, - Inga has pattered.
      -Excellent! After such an answer, even if there is a desire to spank, but no cause.
      -Why won't you abduct a guy of my age instead of me? It isn't known, who would win spanking, then.
        Inga thinks, now the threats will follow, but her jailer answers, smiling:
      -If I have an inclination for the guys, I would do exactly so, only at first I would bring me into a good form, but fortunately or unfortunately, as you would want, I have the inclination for the girls.
      -Especially, to hurt them.
      -You are right and there is not only this. My imagination is well richer, than you guess.
      -Yes, it is, especially in the morning. But didn't you think that tourists or hunters could pass by us by chance? And what if would I turn out such a bad girl, would show the traces of your whim on my body and ask to help?
      -I didn't let you know beforehand, because of the only cause: I know these parts very well, and I know that no one walks here. However let's suppose a miracle still has taken place. If they aren't fools, it will follow such an answer: "Well guys, yourself solve your problems, don't draw us into them". That is they are so brave in a city. Most of those whom you consider as brave men, in fact, they are able to kick four-five together someone alone and all this not far from the cops. But if the victim takes out a cold steel, then the "heroes" will appeal to the supporting to the cops and the crowd, insisting furiously as they are conforming to all the soviet standards. But if these your passing "rescuers" are found fools the remorses would accompany you all the rest of your life: I'll kill them, I know how I would do it, this is my secret. And you, wench, would have to help me to bury them.
     -However, as you say, one should follow his inclinations till he hasn't an inclination for the homicide. Isn't it time to change to the Yoga?
      -Don't confuse the love attractions and the war. Once some of the wise men in the East had said that the war is a way of cheating. The killing is justified there too. To be at war, it isn't to love, whichever kind of the love would take place. In enemy's presence, my desire of the sex and of all the plays associated with it are vanishing. If you don't kill, another will kill you. In this so-called "holy" soil tens millions of dead people, killed by the Soviet authorities, were buried. It could be me, it could be you among them, no one is immune. Your second guy nearly became one of them, because he is underdeveloped mentally. He was forbidden to be intelligent, otherwise the friends would not respect him. He was told that to be alone, to walk by himself as a lonely cat is a terrible thing. He became such a man as all the people maybe because of the lack of boldness, but most probably because of the fullness of foolishness, however had it saved him? He is a "hero". He would beat up a passerby to keep rabble company and would rob a store without a case of emergency, would fuck his own kind who are from another district, as they had treated him in the end. This society had disfigured him morally, the society which is interested the number of brutes would be more, that the number of drunken scums would be more, because it is more easy to govern over the brutes and the scums. But if the society consists of free and self-respecting persons, all these tyrants like Stalin, Lenin, Molotov and Kaganovich would be pitiful and laughable. Now they don't kill straightly, though such a thing can be held sometimes. Your nearly hanged familiar is a good example of this. For your edification let there be said: you are afraid of opposing against the most people, but he was like all the people, however if a lucky chance didn't take place, he would be lost, only his sister had saved him. Then, what is the conclusion? To live as all the people is not more safely. One must live as you like and can stand up for yourself and in such a case to wage a war only according your own rules.
       -You contrive to answer any question. You teach me a lot of things, spank me, taught me the lessons of "auto-flagellation", as you say, but why haven't you better, as you are a teacher, to show me an example, so far as I'm a pupil, on yourself? I'm taking an interest in your ability to stand the pain.
       -No problem! I've long wanted to show it to you. And now it's to the very point as never.
         For the first time he has taken off his swimming trunks in her presence, unhooking the wire from them. Inga has seen with her own eyes, as he is excited. With a joyful smile she examined all the stranger's naked body, including the thing she did not see before. She gasped. The implement of torture in his hand, it seemed, it increased the passion.
       -You may run around, see either in face or in profile. Only observe the safety measures and if you expose yourself under a whip, don't be offended, - all this he pronounced silently, like a conspirator, it is possible, the passion made gasped him too.
        The first whistle of whip sounded. Inga looked at him as well as she was charmed, without believing her eyes. After a sixth stroke his excitement was neutralized by pain, but he continued to flog himself indifferently, even counting the strokes aloud. Inga ran behind him. The fresh weals reddened on his brawny buttocks and this welts ended with small drops of blood. The objective of her great attention counted up to thirty. Already the first welts have appeared on his back and his haunches.
       -And then the hand begins to do hackwork. Somehow the body transmits its protests to it and it is obeyed. I'm giving the wire to you. Flog me thirty strokes else, but no false one, I'll verify. This strange man has given the implement of torture into her hand and turned back again.
       -But how will you distinguish your welts from the mine?
       -Spank me on the back higher than the line, - and he has drawn an imagine line by hand. After that he has seized on a branch of the birch standing in front of him.
    At first, Inga tried don't do hackwork. Than she has observed with astonishment that it has excited her, however she was afraid of exceeding  the measure.
       -And how to learn that a swat is not excessive?
       -The blood must not be along all a welt, but only on its end, - her abductor answered, heavy breathing.
         His voice, counting the strokes, has changed a little, but he stood the flogging silent till the end, only wriggling a little.
       -Will not you revenge me? That's you who ordered this, I'm not a guilty. Disobey you - it may cost me a lot.
        She came up in front of him, stretching out him a wire, but he was standing, suspending from the world, the eyes expressing happiness, and it was seen, his sexual arousal was increasing quickly.
       -To revenge? To you? But I'm glad that such a beauty has flogged me. Here we have known each other better now.
        Being unable to take off her eyes, Inga smiled joyfully.
       -It turns out, you like to be flogged.
       -You like it too, I've noticed it before you. You still haven't sorted out inside yourself, but I sort out such things very well. Can you dare to lie to my face, that last two days in the morning you strike attitudes for punishment with great pleasure? The pain reduces your passion which comes back being become more strong. It must be so. I'm lucky! Glory to God! I'm lucky! You are the same as I am, and it is no coincidence that I've had a passion for you!
       -I'm going to say you frankly as you like the frankness. In this position I wanted to put out me to you, both yesterday and to-day. But it doesn't mean that I would be abnormal as well as you are.
       -If you don't like one spanks you, in such a moment you would be not to sex. Is it really you think that the girls masochists don't shout because of the pain? The passion is able to neutralize the pain in fact, but it can be only during the moment of the orgasm. Let's check up: take off your swimming suit and I'll give you one lash, and properly. You are going to see, though you've been aroused already, you'll be turned on more.
         Inga have taken off the swimming suit and thrown it on the grass but in mind she had quite different intentions. She have stuck out her roundness which were ornamented with welts:
       -Here it is, whip it, not in the first time.
        He has whipped her one time luxuriously. There was familiar whistle and the increasing pain in the very centre, near the fissure separating the hemispheres. Inga has grasped with her hand without shame, rubbed the whipped point.
      -Well, observe yourself. Your passion increases, girl?
      -Well, let's do it quickly. What for are you losing it?
       -I'm not losing. I want the best.
       -Don't torment me and yourself.
        Inga has turned to her future lover and sees with her own eyes that his excitation has been at its maximum. She snatched into her hand the heart of his passion and felt that herself cums.
      -Here, you've better to play, then you are going to calm down.
      -I have finished already, but this is not enough.
       The girl turns back to him and bent down, attempting make to enter his cock in her hungry bosom. The oddity slapped her wire on the back.
      -Don't be naughty, wench! Otherwise you will be flogged severely.
       The cock twitched. Inga being possessed by the passion, almost did not feel the pain because of the swat on her back and her partner came, panting and throwing back his head.
     -What for did you abduct me, then? To torture and to try to muddle my brain with your delirious philosophy?
     -You don't know, from this one may get ten times more pleasure. If I say you all the details now, it would be not interesting. Know this: the love exists! There is a happiness that you never dreamed! Not only the short circuit and discharge the energy, one will be fed up with it, soon it will be boringly. These two types which you were together, they can nothing. Even you didn't know yourself before met me. Even now you still don't know all about yourself. Wait, don't tear away a fruit while it's green. Let it matures. Then we will arrange such a fucking
      -I want with you now. Two days ago I thought I can say such things never, and now, if anyone hears, they would send me into an insane asylum with you together for company. I understand it and am ready for this. Let's I flog you with a switch and you'll be able again, as you like this. If you would like, flog me a little, but only with a switch and not severely. It will arouse you, and why hide, me too. It's not you who ask a wench of the forest, but she asks you.
      -My pupil must catch the meaning at once, but we are moving in a circle, and I feel, I have to explain the same thing again and again. First of all, you must be submissive and obedient. The role of a quarrelsome wife is not for you. Either you submit, or I'll flog you and not as well as in the morning.
      -Flog me!
      -Bring the ropes to me, I'm going to tie you to the tree.
       He saw with astonishment, Inga was going to the tent humbly, without any objections. She was divided into conflicting feelings. Inga, being agitated by the hot discussion, she didn't realize until now, what a trial she has drawn upon herself. Also Inga felt she wanted to be a victim, to learn by experience the sufferings, the pain, the tears, she began to see in all this something exalted, this is something hard-to-explain. Only the fear of the pain opposed against all the feelings assembling together, but even this fear seemed now as something desired. She knew, soon she will be sorry for it, but with joy left to tie herself.
      -How many strokes will be?
      -Seventy five, does it suit you, my beauty?
      -And how many were for that flight, then?
      -Then it was one hundred exactly.
      -Then this is a trifle, your seventy five.
      -Let's see.
       The experienced whistling. The pain known.
      -Now I'm going to suffer, - the girl growing bolder has pronounced in a joyful whisper. She imagined herself in the Middle Ages in a town square. A crowd sigh compassionately, a certain part of it is gloating and a pitiless executioner is dressed on the red hood, he flogs her properly. She moans quietly from the pain, writhes gracefully, multiplying a number of admirers who are enticed, admiring, sympathising, staggered by sight.
      -Ouch, ouch, - Inga moans softly, writhes gracefully in fact.
       The sex is gone, the obsession goes, only the pain remains. It is not dangerous, even not offensively, it is hard, one must stand it. The girl strains herself, turns red in the face, fidgets. And the pain is stabbing, merciless, it's unbearable. The tears begin to stream.
      -Oh-oh-oh, do not! - It comes in an irresistible cry. "Oh, how hard it is, to suffer really!", - a thought has occurred.
      -Will you do as I tell you, wench?!
      -Hurts! Enough is enough! Ouch! - tears flowed hail. -What are you doing! Oh, I can not! It hurts!
      "I don't succeed proudly and gracefully, - a thought has occurred once more. - I can't stand".
      -Oh, oh, ouch, ouch!
       No whistles anymore. Is it finished?
      -Oh, oh, - the squeals and the yells is changed into a low moan, looking like a moan during orgasm. Again Inga is wriggling voluptuously and throwing back her head.
      -Free my hands, please. I would wipe the tears, - she says with a pleading voice. And here her hands are untied. He looks at her tenderly and with admiration.He kisses her into her tearful eyes, saying:
      -Congratulations!You have taken these torments for the Love! 

Next chapter: http://la-flagellation.blogspot.ru/2013/02/the-enigmatic-abductor-chapter-6.html

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The enigmatic abductor. Chapter 4.

      The morning of the next day started as usual, except that the prisoner, being intrigued by a mystery is going to open, could not fall asleep till three o'clock in the morning. She has awoken out of sleep at nine in the morning, failing an hour to get enough sleep that she needed in her twenty years age, but it was not depressing her at all, rather on the contrary. Then this morning the curiosity faded a little because of the nervousness, which occurs in children before an injection or the dental treatment, because today the morning rite, as it's known, became tougher. At the same time she was bored with dissembling to be a young girl as one must, the nature demanded what it needed, and already in the tent she has let go all her fantasies, and now the erotic scenes of various positions of the copulation with the enigmatic stranger stormed into the open doors of her consciousness, and sometimes there was drawn something that didn't occur and could not occur to her before. Before herself didn't expect from herself such a corruptness, as it seemed her now.
       Inga was consoled by the impossibility of reading her thoughts by others, however she was ashamed a little, and she felt like a beginner at stealing who had penetrated into an unguarded and safe house where there is something to profit, and it may be sure the owner of the house has been overseas for a long time. In the green jail where she has found herself as fate has willed, it was turned back by right to herself all what was taken away from herself by the society, but Inga being suppressed by ideology of this society, she estimated this what was returned by nature, what must belong rightfully to herself like an inalienable, as something is stolen by herself. Besides all other things, accidentally she had caught herself at a strange position, instead a tremble before the relatively severe punishment, she feels the curiosity, in what pose she is going to be flogged today? And she noticed else that would like to stand in front of him as yesterday, that is on her knees, the bare bottom is upper, and in this case be a humble one, crushed down, raped in sophisticated ways. Else one a question troubled her closely against a background of all the above-listed: is it only a simple passion which was boiling in her essence or she was going mad?
       At first, the morning rite passed as usual. However, when, standing in the river, he has poked his finger into her forbidden hole, she has arched, throwing back her head, and gasped out "oh" drawling with voluptuousness.
      -Was it painful or pleasantly? I'm reminding: you must be outspoken with me. Answer!
      -Painful,- lied Inga awkwardly.
      -You are lying, forest wench!
       Inga has learnt that the punishment will be harder.
      -I wait for your explanations.
      -I've lied, lord teacher. Flog me for this like a nanny-goat, adding to me a few strokes.
      -I'm going to satisfy your request, forest wench. I'll add ten swats above the fixed fifteen. And don't lie me once more! If you said truth, it would be nothing wrong. I know indeed, that it was pleasant for you. It would be ought add twenty swats for you, let these ten swats be as suspended: till a following lying, you will get thirty, then. Answer: how old were you, when you lost your virginity? -Fifteen. Who was together with you?
      -A shy foureyes from neighbouring block. He followed on my heels, then I had learnt what he wanted. And I was burning with curiosity. The thing, what he would give a gold reserve for, unexpectedly it proved to be accessible for him.
      -Did you like it?
      -I expected anything more greater.
      -What a position did you do love in?
      -He above me, it wasn't another.  Gradually we had cool off each other.
      -I'm doubting that it's all.
      -It was one else. I loved him more, but I was afraid that he would blab to his friends. It happened that I had learnt such a thing about him... and at that no one thing but two; and to divulge any one of them it would be something like the same death for him.
      -In a couple of words: what exactly?
      -The first one: nearby one had robbed a manufactured goods shop, what he took part in, evidently. Three of them were imprison. The cops thought it is all the participators but he would be the fourth one. He was lucky very much, this was just a chance.  The cops made talk all of them promptly and, unmasking the three, took it as enough and stopped to try. Absolutely only by chance, independently each of other, they was going to talk his name in the last turn. A small part of the stolen goods was kept in his home, but in the police one thought that they had time to spend on drink, selling out a rest of goods for dirt cheap.
      -And the second?
      -During a drunken feast riffraffs had raped him in the other end of Moscow, in Chertanovo. However here, among the riffraffs he has influence, though nobody learnt it, but he had hung himself. His cousin had time to saved him from the noose, then he had talked about it only to her adding that now he will kill himself despite everything. She spoke with him a long time. With a grand difficulty she succeeded in suggesting him, if he holds his tongue, all wouldn't change and let himself tries to forget this faster and no longer remembers. One day, glutting herself some drugs, she blabed me about it and was ready to blab to others, but I stopped her. I led her at her home and stayed till the dawn there, then she felt asleep. At dawn he returned from street, and I gave myself to him. He vowed love me, as all others do in such cases, but I warned him that I know about shop and about something else. He threatened me with a knife, even setting it against my throat, but I said him that he must only one thing: don't blab about our love affairs. We got laid once more and after this we went out on dates till he was drafted into the army. That morning on Saturday, when I didn't stay overnight at home, I was returning and my father wanted to spank me with jump rope, already in my eighteen years old, but my mother stood up for me, calling him as a pervert and an incestuous character. After this, they weren't on speaking terms during two days.
      -In what position yielded you to this, second boy?
      -First time in the same one,- Inga faltered.
      -And then? Say, wench!
       Inga turned red like a lobster and pronounced with a hollow voice:
      -In the same pose, what you flogged me yesterday morning.    
      -And is that all?- asked her tormentor severely. - Look me in face!
      -As well, we attempted he lies on his back and I sit above; it seemed; as on horseback,- Inga was made all blushed.
      -You are worrying so much in vain. I greet the moral freedom, then slowly, rapping out every word, it seemed, as well as he would broadcast a communication of the TASS about beginning of the thermonuclear war, he added:
      -All the same, you are judging me: I gave myself to guy knowing that he is a queer.
      -He was raped, I don't care. It's bad that he has only two convolution in his brain. Although his cousin is a psychopath, but smarter,- the abductor has smiled and added a little known phrase from Pushkin's "A scene of the chivalry time":
      -Well. One's turn for the songs, another turn for the gibbet. I've taken the lash along and am going flog you here,- devil's lights have begun to sparkle in his eyes.- But at first, plunge seven times. Now it will especially you good to get cold. Look at how you've blushed!
       Inga went into the river, did as he ordered, then went out to the bank. In this moment the malefactor washed his hands.
      -What pose have I to strike?
      -All as yesterday: on your knees, set your head against the ground, your hands keep behind, to interlace and not to disjoin, don't tumble down on your body side!
      -Please, tie me. What if I can't stand twenty five swats with electric wire?
      -Accustom yourself to stand. If you don't start to study, you will never learn to do. If going on a journey, you don't make single step, you will never achieve your goal. If you fall on the body side, grasp hurting point or fence, I'll add a number. You will not die because of this, but you will be more healthy, my beauty.
       What could she do against? Finding almost a single plane area on the steep slope, the naked girl stood up as it was ordered. But what is the matter? The fear slackened and a desire came instead of it, really a rabid one, let she would be fucked in such a pose.
       The whizz was sounded unexpectedly. A tip of the whip has stung between the buttocks being apart a little, not far from the forbidden entry. A wave of voluptuousness, being rushed beforehand, this is curiously enough, it continued to coexist with the increasing pain.  The second time, the wire, encircling the seductive roundednesses, pierced in a point, where a haunch transforms into the buttock.
      -S-s-s, - hissed Inga. And after third swat a very long "ouch!" was heard which it was impossible to tell from a yell of the passion. The pain got worked up. She wanted to jump and to spin in some wild dance. Even it was some attractive thing in it, but after every stroke it became more unbearably and finally the pain have gained the definitive victory and the first loud "ouch!" has heard after the tenth swat. After a few such "ouch!" the girl heard the voice of her executioner:
      -It's fifteen already, all would be finished with this, but you weren't an outspoken one. Next time don't you dare lie to me! Take that and that! Don't you dare lie to me! Take that!
       On the nineteenth stroke Inga started to quake weeping and gripped her fingers with all her strength, because it was a grand desire to snatch with her hands the flogged buttocks and to rub them. All flushed, she dug her teeth into the grass, and the tears rained from her eyes.
      -Well, it's finished, wench. You've recompensed and may relax.
       Inga, remaining on knees, has unhooked her hands, become straight, rubbing her whipped buttocks, then has wiped her eyes, spat out some grass with soil and given a deep sigh. The hands continued to tremble.
      -Thank you for the lesson, master teacher! May I wash me?
      -Don't may: you must do.
       Inga has walked down to the river, washed off the rest of grass and soil by the mouth, washed well her eyes, a few times given a deep sigh and walked upstairs cheerfully. The stinging pain changed in an ass fever and an easy burning. The red welts, darkening in some areas, looked clearly, decorating in its own way the young wench's body, which was slender attractive even without all this. Inga has to wonder at herself again. Being naked at all, just flogged, she wanted again to give herself to this beast. For all that, she did not feel herself a humble or an unhappy one. That has never been before, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes glowed now. Now her warder becomes more talkative, this makes glad her too. Now she wants to speak with him round the clock.
      -Master teacher, you promised me yesterday to uncover something like a great secret, - Inga has spoken briskly to him.
      -But are you ready to listen it?- he has turned to look at her.- Oh, wonderful! You are just spanked, however I see, judging by your eyes, you have a large spare of the optimism. I welcome this! But are you able to listen with enough attention to digest, to learn well and forget never?
      -I hope,- the girl has answered, smiling.
      -Well. You may be don't agree. I'm not going to drum my convictions in your beautiful bottom, however you must KNOW that such a way of things exists too and REMEMBER its content. You must not agree but must remember. If you forget, I'll spank you. And you know the "Code of prisoner's behaviour": one case, don't solve a difficult puzzle, other case, don't learn that, which is chewed and put into the mouth. It will hurt to sit, that's exactly. All the attention here, wench! - Suddenly his friendly and frivolous tone becomes changed into severe and imperative one. Then he adds more mildly:
      -Sit on the stump and listen me.
       She sits down. The rough stump has stung her naked flogged halves again. Although Inga isn't worried about recent punishment, but doesn't want to repeat it. She feigns a great attention not to be punished once more.
      -The part one of this great verity consist of the five words: THE MAIN BULK OF PEOPLE ARE STUPID. What do you say about it?
      -I hope, if I say frankly, I'll not be punished: don't you play a trick on me? And is it the same "that great secret"? Something like this I somewhere heard already.
      -That's the matter, the only first part says nothing. But hear's the part two: ...BY THEIR OWN CHOOSE. Here certain comments are necessary, so listen with attention.
       Every human is born a genius. Everybody thanks to his own peculiarity is able to attain such a high level, comparable with Newton or Einstein. At first sight there is a contradiction: all the world are geniuses and all the world are idiots an the same time. But the point is that the freedom was given for anyone: he may CHOOSE the genius's way or the idiot's way. And finally he may dash aside from one way to another or go along the idiot's way for a long time, then recollect suddenly and, like "changing a railway point", move on the genius's way.
        What is the essence of the genius's way? TO SEEK, to seek inside himself a gold mine, what efficiency of would be inexhaustible. For example, take a radio: it will keep silent till be tuned in a certain wave. The SEEKING makes with an adjusting knob. Our predestination, just we have entered into the conscious stage of the life, to start this seeking. The beginning of the seeking is the same repentance.  Be knowing: ancient Greek equivalent of the word "repentance" means something like "change of the thinking". Are you listening to me, wench? I'll ask you. If you forget something, I'll spank you.
      -Tell. It's interesting for me.
      -If you are listening, it must be interesting in fact, because in the soviet conditions you could hear this nowhere before. Even in the free countries the most people goes along the idiot's way, and what do you expect here, then. Note: here all comes down to the fact that people here are driven into the society by force, by any price, but someone needs in it and profits from this very much. Even if a holiday concurs with weekend, one doesn't let them have free time a few days running, but tries to make them to come to work these days, repaying the days or carrying them over to the leave. Why so? Someone may remain with himself and start THINKING. If he is thinking, he has a good chance TO DISCOVER something. SOMEONE WHO HAS BEGUN TO THINK WITH HIS OWN HEAD, HE BECOME AUTOMATICALLY A HEAD TALLER, THAN THE PEOPLE AROUND HIM. And how can a human develop, how can he find his gold mine or how can he tune himself in certain wave, when in fact, even the most of believers give to the society such a place in the mind, which must be occupied by Lord in the Highest? He checks every his step on the opinion of the society, every routine trifle of the everyday life. If he, although mentally, retreats to the millimeter from the admitted behaviour, in his imagination in a moment appear old bags, gossips indicating on him with fingers, muzhiks beating him on his mug and naming him with bad words.
      -But it is around the world...
      -Let's compare. An Englishman among a people is able to play any part. He would follow the standard rules even better than a Slav. But for example, the best his friend, it's possible, doesn't know about his terms with his wife, either they love each other, or they are going to divorce. The society is stupid in all the world, but there isn't such a supervision, such a meddling in the private life. An isolation is not taken as something seditious. More it is shameful to poke one's nose into other people's affair instead be busy with the own problems. Because of this, there is a society more developed in every respect, including the pecuniary one, because the way is more widely open for those, who has been aware himself as a strong personality.
       When you studied at school, were there cases of the collective persecution against someone alone?
      -Yes, they took place as far as I remember.
      -The elder instructed to others: "watch the people and be the same as they are". What boiled down all this to? To a thing that IT WAS TABOO ON THE RIGHT TO BE HIMSELF. How can one find a gold mine when it is forbidden move from an ordered place? How can a radio be tuned on a necessary wave when it is forbidden to turn the adjustment knob? As a result, we see a society representing a mob of the idiots. Someone is taken as a clever man, the other is taken as a fool, but don't look for clever men there. Them there no. Remember: never, no one will advise you something reasonable, but suppose if their advice is found as a correct one, it will be a rare chance, as rare as a large sum of money may be found on a way by accident. There is the only person, whose advices can be found correct, only one on all the Earth.
       Inga has smiled ironically and looked aside, thinking: "He thinks very highly of himself, megalomania?"
      -Look me in the face, forest wench! There is only person on all the planet Earth, whose advices you've better to take seriously. Just you've thought, who is he, but you haven't guessed it. THIS PERSON IS YOURSELF!
       The naked beauty, sitting on the stump, staring at her severe mentor, also she has stiffened with astonishment, the mouth is open.

Next chapter: http://la-flagellation.blogspot.ru/2012/12/the-enigmatic-abductor-chapter-5.html

The original Russian text: https://www.proza.ru/2009/12/20/1217